Friday, October 25, 2013

Repelling Females 101

During a mile-long walk earlier today, two different strangers saw fit to bless my passage by blasting their horns.  Unfortunately, these honks did not stem from benevolent honking intentions, such as: 

(a) Offering a warning (e.g., "An anvil is about to fall on your head!" or "You've wandered off the sidewalk and into oncoming traffic!  Correct your trajectory posthaste!")

(b) Calling attention to an unexpected friend sighting (e.g,, "Hey, I know you!  Look at us - you're walking and I'm driving!  Ha ha - whee!  Surprises are fun!")

No, these honks emanated from the Department of Hay, Bay-Bee!  If you exist on this planet, you are
likely familiar with that type of honk.  The honker honks to attract a woman's attention, although it's unclear why, as the honker then whooshes by at top speed.  (But please don't think I'm suggesting it's a better idea to slow down and talk to the woman, even though that sometimes elicits hilarious results.  A friend of mine loves to tell a story about a guy who slowed his car to catcall her and, not watching where he was going, proceeded to drive straight into a pole.  She still cites that as one of the best days of her life.)

Today's honking experience made me think it's time for a tutorial about effective ways to make oneself utterly repellant to women.  Here are but a few.

#1 - Honking

...and females will think you're a douche.
When I'm strolling along peacefully and suddenly find myself attacked by an explosive blast of noise emanating from a nearby speeding vehicle, my heart jumps into my throat.  This experience is not intriguing; it's just really fucking alarming.  READ:  Not sexy.  Not fun.  ALARMING.

When a man honks at me & I turn to look at him, it's not to check him out.  Oh, no.  Not at all.  I'm not wondering whether or not he's good looking or has
a snazzy car.  What I am thinking is more along the lines of:  "Many thanks, Sir Honks-A-Lot, for scaring the ever-loving shit out of me.  I hope you drive straight off a cliff."

#2 - Crude Commentary

Telling a woman that she has a "nice rack" falls nicely into this category.  (Surprisingly, I've actually been told this, even though what I've got is so miniscule it's hardly even a spice rack.)  Men will sometimes say this to women quite casually, as if it's completely normal to comment on strangers' body parts as they wander past you.  ("Hey, sweet ears!  I'll bet you can hear really well with those suckers!")

If you see a female and find yourself wanting to say, "Nice rack," do yourself a favor.  Lower your eyes to her feet and say, "Nice shoes."  I think you'll find this yields far better results.

#3 - The Long Stare

The long stare goes something like this.  A man and a woman walk towards each other, but instead of continuing on his path and walking past her as is customary, the man pulls to the side, stops, and watches her pass.  (Note:  for this act to be performed properly, the man should wear an extremely smarmy look on his face.)  

Blech.  Just blech.  And...ew.  Seriously.  Do not do this.  It is beyond creepy. 

The woman you're ogling is not going to ogle you back, nor is she flattered by said ogling.  At best, she think
s you're a jerk.  At worst, she's thinking about Ted Bundy and Arial Castro while trying to recall every man-destroying move she learned in self-defense class.

Here our trainers demonstrate a super-fun eye-gouging technique
That's all for now.  I believe, if we work together, we can build a future free from roadside terror, eye-gouging, and groin-smashing.  Doesn't that sound like a pleasant tomorrow?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Socks Are Wicked Important

I own a shit ton of socks.  When I moved to California in 1999, I decided to start collecting cool socks, thereby pigeonholing myself as a sock person.  That means I've received socks for pretty much every gift-giving event for the past 14 years, so I am now the proud owner of over 80 pairs of socks (that's over 160 individual socks, for those of you who are math challenged).

The other day I attended an Oktoberfest event while wearing the cute cat socks pictured above.  At one point, I heard some folks giggling behind me.  When I turned around to see what the fuck was so funny (and yes, that really is how my mind works), a young woman showed me her phone, which now featured a picture of my socks.  "Sorry," she told me.  "Hope that's okay.  I love your socks."

I'd be willing to bet that, within ten minutes of the picture being taken, my socks were featured on the girl's Facebook page and had about 50 likes, plus umpteen comments featuring pithy observations such as:  "OMG!  Cat socks!  LOL!"

And do you want to know why?  Because socks are important to people.  Much like alcohol.  If you post a picture of alcohol on Facebook with the label:  "ALCOHOL!  YAY!" everyone will love it.  You'll be getting notifications all day long.  People you haven't heard from since sixth grade will write paragraph-long responses explaining why they, too, think alcohol is totally yay-worthy.

So yes, socks & alcohol are excellent ways to bond with your friends on Facebook.  The same may not be true if you choose to post something about an international crisis or social justice calamity.  Those topics are simply not as yay-worthy, as they may stimulate painfully uncomfortable debates that pit your Facebook friends against one another in disastrous, fury-fueled exchanges between total strangers who have quickly and resolutely determined that they absolutely fucking hate one another.

On the other hand, you'll find no room for debate when it comes to people identifying as alcoholic sock whores.  Go figure.  But I suppose that's precisely what makes something like a pair of cute socks so damn important.  

(And awesome.)

(I love my socks.) 

(I have sock monkey socks, too.)

I was searching for a picture of sock monkey socks, but I found this instead.  
I think I'm in love.