Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Here We Go!

Um...are you sure this is the way?
A few years ago, I had a dream that my husband and I were driving over a ridiculously high bridge, and all of a sudden he took a sharp turn, crashed through the railing, and drove us straight out into the air.  As we plunged downward and I felt my stomach respond to the free fall, I looked over at him, wide-eyed and terrified.  He looked back at me, grabbed the shoulder strap of his seat belt and said, "Here we go!"

That is very much how I feel right now (aside from the fear of imminent death), because tomorrow morning my little family begins our big move to the east coast.  My husband says that if our move were a Sesame Street episode, it would be brought to you by the number 2, because 2 humans will be traveling with 2 dogs and 2 cats in 2 cars over the next 2 weeks.  When those 2 weeks come to an end, provided we haven't driven off any bridges, we will arrive in Asheville, North Carolina.

I'm an anxious person by nature, and as such it's quite easy for me to whip myself into a horrified frenzy through the careful consideration of infinite, absurd "WHAT IF?!?!?" scenarios.  However, in an effort to prevent a full blown panic attack, I'm trying to think of the move as an adventure, rather than a series of potential disasters.  I think this sign is a good representation of my current thought process:

When I find myself thinking, "What if all our tires go flat in the middle of nowhere?  What if the cats escape from the car?  What if everyone in Asheville hates us?  What if we can't find work?  What if (insert worse case scenario here)???" I simply picture this sign and tell myself the following:

Don't focus on the DANGER, Al.  Focus on the WEEE!

Therefore, I have decided this journey will be brought to you by the number 2 and the word WEEE!

Here we go!  


  1. What if you have a great time driving across country? What if you get more wonderful pictures during the adventure? What if 2x2x2=8? What if you find the coolest job in Ashville? What if you get real summers in Ashville? What if friends come to visit in the East Coast? (I plan to) Dear Mija, Once you start working again you may not find easy to take 3 weeks off to go on an adventure! I know is a big move, but you 2's will be fine!! So excited for you!!!!!

  2. Muchas gracias, Mija! Love you! :)

  3. I hope you have a safe and wonderful journey. And i hope Ashvile is warmer than Portland. Now you'll ve closer to Colombia, so maybe the what if could be what if on my next vacations i go with brownie and visit her beautiful country?

  4. Thank you, Natalia. I would love to visit!
