Tuesday, November 26, 2013

This Is Why Sisters Are Awesome

Not these kinds of sisters
I recently completed a massive rewrite of one of my books, and throughout the editing process, I became increasingly embarrassed that I had allowed people to read the book's super crappy first draft.

When I communicated with my sister about this ongoing, shitty feeling, telling her that I wished I hadn't let her read the first draft because it was so terrible, this is how she responded:

"No, it wasn't!  It was fabulous!  Don't you say mean things about my sister's book!  I'll kick you in the nuts!"  

So it turns out my sister is actually Eric Cartman.  Who knew?
And that is why sisters are awesome.  It really doesn't matter if the first draft was shitty or not (it was, by the way, unbelievably, unconscionably shitty).  What matters is that her words made me laugh my head off, and laughter is a wonderful cure for scathing humiliation.

So thank you, dear sister, for making me laugh, and not kicking me in the nuts.  You are wonderful.

(Just as an aside, while searching Google Images for a good nun picture, I came across this line of calendars:

And yes, I would very much like one of those for Christmas.  Thank you.)