Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My Postmortem Crush

I heart you, Robert.
Since I've been living on Orcas Island, I have fallen in love with a dead man.  Some of you may think that's weird, but here's the thing:  I'm pretty weird.  I resigned myself to that fact many years ago.  So really, falling for a dead guy is just par for the course.

I have become most infatuated with Robert Moran, the man responsible for Moran State Park - one of the most lovely places I've ever been - and a man who also happens to have died 32 years before I was born.

Something tells me this will end with:  "He loves me not...because he's dead."
If you're married, it must be a little strange having your spouse tell you she's fallen for someone who's deceased.  When I told my husband about my growing feelings for Robert, I think he may have experienced about 3 seconds of defensiveness before remembering I was talking about a dead man.  At that point, I believe his predominant feeling shifted to one in the "how-on-earth-did-I-end-up-married-to-this-person" category.

Here is why I love Robert Moran:

He believed in the healing properties of forests, mountains, and water. 

So do I!

He could feel there was magic on Orcas Island. 

So can I!

He was an amateur photographer. 

So am I!

He loved introducing his loved ones to beautiful places. 

So do I!

He was a multimillionaire philanthropist. 

Um...I've totally heard of those people!

And that is why I love the man who set aside almost 4000 acres of his personal property to create a place people could enjoy eternally.  Robert, you rock.  You're my dead BFF.

What a guy!

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